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암묵지/칸타빌레 · 영화 리뷰

[검은돈(Dirty Money)] Season1. EP02 - 월급 도둑 (Payday)



When it comes to protecting consumers, in certain aspects, the free market model starts to break down. And when you have people who are so financially desperate that they will suffer almost anything to be able to put food on their table, that is where those who are less scrupulous can come in and take advantage.

고객을 보호하려다 보면 자유 시장의 일부 측면이 무너지게 돼요. 재정적으로 아주 궁핍한 국민이 있고 어떤 어려움을 겪더라도 먹고살 돈을 구하려 하니까 그 사실을 알고 양심을 버리는 거죠. 그 점을 파고들어서 이용하는 거에요.



It was conceived to break the law. it was a $2 billion business, and they ... It was set up to get around state lending laws. That they make money by essentially taking money from poor people. And living the high life.

법을 피하려고 작정했어요. 20억 달러 규모의 사업이었고, 주의 대출법을 우회해서 설립했고요. 가난한 사람들 주머니 털어서 번 돈으로 호화롭게 살았어요.



Your critics throw around this term, predatory lending. Are you a predator?

약탈적 대출이라고 비난받으시던데요, 본인이 약탈자인가요?


Am I a predator? No. I mean, it's just a business. There was a demand, consumer, and you know, ther business was build around that.

제가 약탈자냐고요? 아닙니다. 그냥 사업이에요. 수요가 있었으니까요. 고객이 있으니 사업이 생긴거죠.


Do you think you're a moral person?

스스로 도덕적이라고 생각하세요?


I'm a businessperson.

저는 사업가예요.


< Payday - Dirty Money Season1 EP02 >

Subject: Scott Tucker and payday loans in the United States.


JAN 2018
